Category Archives: Native American Bibliography

What You Need To Read, June 2024

Althoff, Joshua A. McGonagle, “Managing Settlers, Managing Neighbors: Renarrating Johnson v. McIntosh Through the History of Piankashaw Community Building,” Journal of American History, 110 (March 2024), 625-642.

Aus, Roger David, “The Great Annual Sioux Rendezvous on the James River,” South Dakota History, 54 (Spring 2024), 1-36.

Bales, Kevin and Christine Annerfalk, “Introducing the Euro-Invasion Conflict Database, 1513-1901,” Western Historical Quarterly, 55 (Summer 2024), 127-146.

Bess, Jennifer. “The ‘Crisis’ of Native American Mobility: Border Crossing and the Influence of International Relations on Indian Policy, 1896-1898,” Pacific Historical Review, 93 (Spring 2024), 169-201.

Calloway, Colin. Hard Neighbors: The Scotch-Irish Invasion of Native  America and the Making of an American Identity, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2024).

Dennison, Jean. Vital Relations: How the Osage Nation Moves Indigenous Nationhood into the Future, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2024).

Hall, Ryan. “Patterns of Plunder: Corruption and the Failure of the Indian Reservation System, 1851-1887,” Western Historical Quarterly, 55 (Spring 2024), 21-38.

Johnson, Amanda. “Ganienkeh, Out of the City and Away from the Reservation: The Making of an Indigenous Space, 1974-1979,” Ethnohistory, 71 (April 2024), 271-291.

Kuethe, Allan J. and José Manuel Serrano, “New Light on Presidio San Luis de las Amarillas,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 127 (April 2024), 393-420.

Lipman, Andrew. Squanto: A Native Odyssey, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024).

Lutz, John Sutton, “The Smallpox Chiefs: Bioterrorism and the Exercise of Power in the Pacific Northwest,” Western Historical Quarterly, 55 (Summer 2024), 87-104.

McCoy, Meredith L. On Our Own Terms: Indigenous Histories of School Funding and Policy, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2024).

Morman, Todd Allin. Many Nations Under Many Gods: Public Land Management and American Indian Sacred Sites, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2024).

Moves Camp, Richard. My Grandfather’s Altar: Five Generations of Lakota Holy Men, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2024).

Rankin, Charles E. “A Western Pocahontas: Myth, Reality, and Memorialization for Spotted Tail’s Daughter, Mni-Akuwin,” Western Historical Quarterly, 55 (Summer 2024), 105-126.

Voight, Matthias Andre. Reinventing the Warrior: Masculinity in the American Indian Movement, 1968-1973, (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2024).

West, Cane. “Doctoring Removal: Southern Medicine, Indian Removal, and the Cholera Epidemic of 1832-1834 in Arkansas Territory,” Journal of Southern History, 90 (May 2024),249-284.

Wheeler, Winona. Indigenous Oral History Manual: Canada and the United States, (New York: Routledge, 2024).

Whitman, Kyle. “Indians Fish Just Because It Is Their Right to Fish: Michigan Native Americans and the Battle for Fishing Rights,” Michigan Historical Review 50 (Spring 2024), 45-63.

What You Need to Read, December 2023

The fall semester has come to a close. There is a brief respite between the madness of the holidays and the beginning of the spring semester to take stock, see what is out there, and decide what to place on the reading list. As always, each quarter I can find plenty of stuff that interests me. I hope you find some interest in what is included here, and if I have missed something you think should be on the list, please let me know.

Abram, Susan. “Chess, Not Checkers: The Complexities of Historic Creek Diplomacy,” Diplomatic History, 47 (November 2023), 890-893.

Allread, W. Tanner. “The Specter of Indian Removal: The Persistence of State Supremacy Arguments in Federal Indian Law,” Columbia Law Review, 123 (October 2023), 1533-1610.

Archer, Seth. “Vaccination, Dispossession and the Indigenous Interior,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 97 (Summer 2023), 255-293.

Carlos, Ann M. “They Country They Built: Dynamic and Complex Indigenous Economies in North America before 1492,” Journal of Economic History, 83 (June 2023), 319-358.

Cooke, Jason: “Savagery Repositioned: Historicizing the Cherokee Nation,” American Indian Quarterly, 47 (Spring 2023).

Dorries, Heather and Michelle Daigle, Land Back: Relational Landscapes of Indigenous Resistance Across the Americas, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2024).

Dubcovsky, Alejandra. Talking Back: Native Women and the Making of the Early South, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023).

Dwider, Maraam A. and Kathleen Marchetti, “Tribal Coalitions and Lobbying Outcomes: Evidence from Administrative Rulemaking,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, 53 (September 2023), 354-382.

Evans, Laura E. “The Strange Career of Federal Indian Policy: Rural Politics, Native Nations, and the Path Away from Assimilation,” Studies in American Political Development, 27 (October 2023), 89-110.

Fitz, Caitlin. “The Monroe Doctrine and the Indigenous Americas,” Diplomatic History, 47 (November 2023), 802-822.

Fixico, Donald L. “That’s What They Used to Say’: Reflections on American Indian Oral Traditions, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2023).

Foxworth, Raymond, and Carew Boulding, “How Race, Resentment, and Ideology Shape Attitudes about Native American Inherent Rights and Policy Issues,” Political Research Quarterly, 76 (December 2023), 1843-1856.

Goeman, Mishauna. Settler Aesthetics: Visualizing the Spectacle of Originary Moments in The New World, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

Gone, Joseph P. “Indigenous Historical Trauma: Alter-Native Explanations for Mental Health Inequities,” Daedalus, 152 (Fall 2023), 130-150.

Gonzalez, Michael. “The Enduring Flame: Stress, Epigenetics, and the California Indian, 1769-2000,” American Indian Quarterly, 46 (Fall 2022).

Haefeli, Evan. “The Great Haudenosaunee-Lenape Peace of 1669: Oral Traditions, Colonial Records, and the Origin of Delaware’s Status as Women,” New York History, 104 (Summer 2023), 79-95.

Harris, Craig. Rise Up! Indigenous Music in North America, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

John, Randy H. and Alicia Puglionesi, “The Most Valuable Lands: Seneca Oil, Seneca’s Oil, and the Struggle for Land Rights at the Birthplace of an Industry,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal,  46 (no. 2, 2023), 1-28.

Johnson, Tai Elizabeth. “The Shifting Nature of Subsistence on the Hopi Indian Reservation,” Agricultural History, 97 (April 2023), 215-244.

Kantrowitz, Stephen. Citizens of a Stolen Land: A Ho-Chunk History of the Nineteenth-Century United States, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023).

Kenmille, Agnes Oshanee. Agnes Oshanee Kenmille: Salish Indian Elder and Craftswoman, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

Krupat, Arnold. From the Boarding Schools: Apache Students Speak, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

Lee, Wayne E. The Cutting-Off Way: Indigenous Warfare in Eastern North America, 1500-1800, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023).

Leroux, Darryl, “State Recognition and the Dangers of Race Shifting: The Case of Vermont,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 46 (No. 2, 2023), 53-84.

Lloyd, Dana. “Haaland v Brackeen and the Logic of Discovery,” U.S. Catholic Historian, 41 (Summer 2023), 95-115.

Marshall, Stuart. “Dividing the Carolinas: Indians, Colonists and Slaves in the Prerevolutionary Boundary Dispute, 1763-1773,” Early American Studies, 21 (Winter 2023), 42-86.

May, Roy H., “’I Did Get Along with the Indians’: Joseph Hugo Wenberg, Missionary to the Aymara, Ponca, and Oneida, 1901-1950,” Methodist History, 61 (no. 1, 2023), 22-34.

McCutchen, Jennifer Monrie. “’They Will Know in the End that We are Men’: Gunpowder and Gendered Discourse in Creek-British Diplomacy, 1763-1776,” Ethnohistory, 70 (July 2023).

Midtrød, Tom Arne. “’A People Before Useless’: Ethic Cleansing in the Wartime Hudson Valley, 1754-1763,” Early American Studies, 21 (Summer 2023), 428-459.

Miron, Rose. Indigenous Archival Activism: Mohican Interventions in Public History and Memory, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2024).

Murray, Laura J. “’We are the Ones that Make the Treaty’: Michi Saagiig Lands and Islands in Southeastern Ontario,” Ethnohistory, 70 (July 2023).

Olson, Greg. “A ‘Rebellious District and Dangerous Locality’: Cherokee Soldiers and Refugees in Neosho, Missouri, 1862-1863,” Missouri Historical Review, 117 (July 2023), 235-253.

Peterson, Anna “’A Desire to Learn’: Native American Experiences in Lutheran Colleges, 1945-1955,” American Indian Quarterly, 47 (Winter 2023), 26-69.

Riggs, Brett H. “The Return of Standing Wolf,” North Carolina Historical Review, 100 (April 2023), 157-187.

Shannon, Timothy J. “In the Bushes: The Secret History of Anglo-Iroquois Treaty Making,” New York History, 104 (Summer 2023), 53-78.

Shrake, Peter. “Stambaugh’s Treaty,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, 106 (Spring 2023), 24-37.

Smith, Lindsey Claire. Urban Homelands: Writing the Native City from Oklahoma, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023).

Stockel, H. Henrietta. Salvation Through Slavery: Chiracahua APaches and Priests on the Spanish Colonial Frontier, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2023).

Theobald, Brianna, “Dobbs in Historical Context: The View from Indian Country,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 97 (Spring 2023), 39-47.

Van de Logt, Mark. Between the Floods: A History of the Arikaras, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2023).

Vigil, Kiara. “Language, Water, Dance: An Indigenous Meditation on Time,” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 44 (no. 1, 2023), 168-182.

Voigt, Matthias Andre. “Warrior Women: Indigenous Women, Gender Relations, and Sexual Politics within the American Indian Movement and at Wounded Knee,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 46 (no. 3, 2023), 101-130.

What You Need To Read, December 2020

I wanted to add something new to this quarterly edition of “What You Need to Read.” Because so much of my time has been spent teaching online, with all the learning required to do that passably well, I have asked for and received a large number of suggestions about various online resources useful in Native American History classrooms.  The Newberry Library in Chicago has digitized 9000 individual editions of American Indian Newspapers and a huge trove of materials through the Edward E. Ayer Digital Collection.  Dawnland Voices: Writings of Indigenous New England, is a site with artifacts, maps, documents and community histories. Another great resource on New England is the Native Northeast Portal. The Bethlehem Digital History Project includes “Moravian Indian Diaries, 1763-1765,” along with  the Digital Paxton Collection, provides insights and source material on a dark period in the history of Pennsylvania and the Indigenous communities in Penn’s Woods. The Kilpatrick Collection of Cherokee Manuscripts focuses on the language, culture, and history of the Oklahoma Cherokee, with the materials in the collection dating from the 1890s to the 1960s.  The Occum Circle contains materials by and about Samson Occom. There is a wealth of material on the Haudenosaunee communities in the Albany Indian Commissioners project.  The Missions Initiative housed by the University of Arizona “guides the development of an international, multidisciplinary partnership for cultural resource management of the hundreds of Spanish Colonial Mission sites in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.  I have mentioned on this blog many times the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.  Also useful is the Genoa Indian School Digital Reconciliation Project.  Students can do a pretty good research project with the digitized Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800. Miami University in Ohio hosts the National Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages, a searchable site.  The Digital Library of Georgia hosts “Southeastern Native American Documents, 1730-1842,”  and a collection of “Cherokee Indian Relocation Records, 1815-1837.” And the Smithsonian has digitized a large number of treaties at the Indigenous Digital Archive Treaties Explorer.  If I have missed something of which you are particularly fond, let me know and I will be happy to share it.  Thanks to all of you who suggested some of these sites to me.

As for the published scholarship, here is the list for the end of this dreadful year.  As always, if I have missed anything, let me know and I will be happy to update this. The next edition of the quarterly bibliography will appear in March of next year. Until then, I hope that all of you stay safe.

Bahar, Matthew R. Storm of the Sea: Indians and Empires in the Atlantic’s Age of Sail, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).

Beisaw, April M. “From Alcatraz to Standing Rock: Archaeology and Contemporary Native American Protests (1969-Today),” Historical Archaeology, 54 (Spring 2020), 537-555.

Bernardini, Wesley, et al., eds., Becoming Hopi: A History, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

Carpenter, Marc James. “Pioneer Problems, ‘Wanton Murder,’ Indian War Veterans, and Oregon’s Violent History,” Oregon Historical Quarterly, 121 (Summer 2020), 156-185.

Clement, Kerri Keller. “’What Is a Country Without Horses?’ Robert Yellowtail and Horse Herd Restoration on the Crow Reservation, 1934-1944,” Montana, 70 (Autumn 2020), 37-55.

Crown, Patricia L., The House of Cylinder Jars: Room 28 in Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2020).

Dana, Carol A., Margo Lukens and Conor M. Quinn, ‘Still They Remember Me’: Penobscot Transformer Tales, Volume 1., (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2021).

Dawley, Marina Michelle. “Indian Boarding School Tattooing Experiences: Resistance, Power, and Control through Personal Narratives,” American Indian Quarterly, 44  (Summer 2020), 279-301.

DeJong, David H. Diverting the Gila: The Pima Indians and the Florence-Casa Grande Project, 1916-1928, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

Ellis, Elizabeth, “The Natchez War Revisited: Violence, Multinational Settlements, and Indigenous Diplomacy in the Lower Mississippi Valley,” William and Mary Quarterly, 77 (July 2020) 441-472.

Ethridge, Robbie and Eric E. Bowne, eds., The Historical Turn in Southeastern Archaeology, (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2020).

Fielder, Brigitte. Relative Races: Genealogies of Interracial Kinship in Nineteenth-Century Americans, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2020).

Haefeli, Evan. “Becoming a ‘Nation of Statesmen’: The Mohicans’ Incorporation into the Iroquois League, 1671-1675,” New England Quarterly, 93 (September 2020), 414-461.

Jenkins, Jessica A. and Martin D. Gallivan. “Shell on Earth: Oyster Harvesting, Consumption

Kassabaum, Megan C. A History of Platform Mound Ceremonialism: Finding Meaning in Elevated Ground, (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2021).

Kosc, Kallie M. “’Caring for Our Affairs Ourselves’: Stockbridge Mohican Women and Indian Education in Early America,” American Indian Quarterly, 44 (Fall 2020), 434-476.

Kowalewski, Stephen A., et. al., “Where is the Southeastern Native American Economy?” Journal of Southeastern Archaeology, 39 (December 2020), 281-308.

Langer, Adina. “Changing Winds: Public Health in Indian Country,” Public Historian, 42 (August 2020), 143-148.

Lewis, Courtney. Sovereign Entrepeneurs: Cherokee Small-Business Owners and the Making of Economic Sovereignty, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019).

Lukezic, Craig and John P. McCarthy, eds., The Archaeology of New Netherland: A World Built on Trade, (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2021).

Mackenthun, Gesa and Christen Mucher, eds., Decolonizing ‘Prehistory’: Deep Tie and Indigenous Knowledges in North America, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

Maroukis, Thomas Constantine. We Are Not A Vanishing People: The Society of American Indians, 1911-1923, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

Mathes, Valerie Sherer, ed., Gender, Race, and Power in the Indian Reform Movement: Revisiting the History of the WNIA, (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2020).

Mathiowetz, Michael and Andrew Turner, eds. Flower Worlds: Religion, Aesthetics, and Ideology in Mesoamerica and the American Southwest, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

Norrgard, Chantal. “Indigenous Labor, Settler Colonialism, and the History of the Fraser River Fisherman’s Strike of 1893,” Native American and Indigenous Studies, 7 (Fall 2020), 114-144.

Oberg, Michael Leroy. “Tribes and Towns: What Historians Still Get Wrong about the Roanoke Ventures,” Ethnohistory, 67 (October 2020), 579-602.

Pestana, Carla Gardina. The World of Plymouth Plantation, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2020).

Pollack, David, Anne Tobbe Bader and Justin N. Carlson, eds., Falls of the Ohio River: Archaeology of Native American Settlement, (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2021).

Shoemaker, Nancy. “2019 Presidential Address: Sameness and Difference in Ethnohistory,” Ethnohistory, 67 (October 2020), 537-550.

Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake.  Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2021).

Stephen, Lynn and Shannon Speed, eds., Indigenous Women and Violence: Feminist Activist Research in Heightened States of Injustice, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2021).

van Dusen, Nancy E. “Indigenous Slavery from Out on the Edge,” Ethnohistory, 67 (October 2020), 603-620.

Vitale, Frank.  “Counting Casualties: Defining Student Death at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1879-1918,” American Indian Quarterly, 44 (Fall 2020), 383-414.

What You Need to Read, September 2018

Here it is, your quarterly guide to the vast literature in Native American Studies.  If I missed something that you found particularly valuable, please let me know and I will be happy to revise this list accordingly.


Allard, Seth.  Guided by the Spirits: The Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community, (New York: Routledge, 2018).

Allison, I. R. “Beyond It All: Surveying the Intersections of Modern American Indian, Environmental, and Western Histories,” History Compass, 16 (no. 4, 2018).

Bernstein, David. How the West Was Drawn: Mapping, Indians, and the Construction of the Trans-Mississippi West, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

Beyreis, D. “The Chaos of Conquest: The Bents  and the Problem of American Expansion, 1846-1849,” Kansas History, 41 (no. 2, 2018), 74-89.

Bigmouth, Adam. Ojibwe Stories from the Upper Berens River: A Irving Hallowell and Adam Bigmouth in Conversation, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

Biolsi, Thomas.  Power and Progress on the Prairie: Governing People on Rosebud Reservation, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018).

Brown, K M. “Crafting Identity: Acquisition, Production, Use and Recycling of Soapstone During the Mission Period in Alta California,” American Antiquity, 83 (no. 2, 2018), 244-262.

Brown, Kirby. Stoking the Fire: Nationhood in Cherokee Writing, 1907-1970, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018).

Calloway, Colin.  The Indian World of George Washington: The First President, the First Americans, and the Birth of the Nation, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Canizares-Esguerra, Jorge. Entangled Empires: The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500-1830, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018).

Case, Martin. The Relentless Business of Treaties: How Indigenous Land Became US Property, (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2018).

Cevasco, Carla. “Hunger Knowledges and Cultures in New England’s Borderlands, 1675-1770,” Early American Studies, 16 (no. 2, 2018), 255-281.

Clark, Andrew J. and Douglas B. Bamforth, Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains, (Louisville, CO: University of Colorado Press, 2018).

Clemmons, L. M. “‘The Young Folks Wnat to Go in and See the Indians’: Davenport Citizens, Protestant Missionaries, and Dakota Prisoners of War, 1863-1866,” Annals of Iowa, 77 (no. 2, 2018), 121-150.

Colley, Brook and Dave Lewis. Power in the Telling: Grand Ronde, Warm Springs, and Intertribal Relations in the Casino Era, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018).

David, Jenny. Talking Indian: Identity and Language Revitalization in the Chickasaw Renaissance, (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018).

Downey, Allan.  The Creator’s Game: Lacrosse, Identity, and Indigenous Nationhood, (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2018).

DeLucia, Christine M. Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018).

Driscoll, Kerry. Mark Twain among the Indians and other Indigenous Peoples, (Oakland: University of California Press, 2018).

Dubcovsky, Alejandra. “When Archaeology and History Meet: Shipwrecks, Indians, and the Contours of the Early-Eighteenth Century South,” Journal of Southern History, 84 (no. 1, 2018), 39-68.

Erdrick, Heid. New Poets of Native Nations, (Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2018).

Gallo, M. “Improving Independence: The Struggle over Land Surveys in Northwestern Pennsylvania in 1794,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 142 (no. 2, 2018), 131-161.

Garrett-Davis. J., “The Intertribal Drum of Radio: The Indians for Indians Hour and Native American Media, 1941-1951,” Western Historical Quarterly, 49 (no. 3, 2018), 249-273.

Gelo, Daniel J. Comanches and Germans on the Texas Frontier: The Ethnology of Heinrich Berghaus, (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2018).

Gercken, Becca and Julie Pelletier, Gambling on Authenticity: Gaming, the Noble Savage, and the Not-So-New Indian. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2018).

Graber, Jennifer. The Gods of Indian Country: Religion and the Struggle for the American West, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Greer, Allan. Property and Dispossession: Natives, Empires and Land in Early Modern North America, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Handsman, Russell G. “Survivance Strategies and the Materialities of Mashantucket Pequot Labor in the Later Eighteenth Century,” Historical Archaeology, 52 (no. 1, 2018), 51-69.

Hansen, Karen V., G. Osterud, and V. Grim, “Land Was One of the Greatest Gifts: Women’s Land Ownership in Dakota Indian, Immigrant Scandinavian, and African-American Communities,” Great Plains Quarterly, 38 (no. 3, 2018), 251-272.

Haveman, Christopher D. Bending Their Way Onward: Creek Indian Removal in Documents, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

Haynes, Joshua S. Patrolling the Border: Theft and Violence on the Creek Georgia Frontier, (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2018).

Joy, N. “The Indian’s Cause: Abolitionists and Native American Rights,” Journal of the Civil War Era, 8 (no. 2, 2018), 47-74.

Justice, Daniel Heath. Why Indigenous Literatures Matter, (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2018).

Kauanui, J. Kehaulani, Speaking of Indigenous Politics: Conversations with Activists, Scholars, and Tribal Leaders, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018).

Keyes, S. “Western Adventurers and Male Nurse: Indians, Cholera, and Masculinity in Overland Trail Narratives,” Western Historical Quarterly, 49 (no. 1, 2018), 43-64.

Knight, V. J. “Puzzles of Creek Social Organization in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” Ethnohistory, 65 (no. 3, 2018), 373-389.

Krupat, Arnold. Changed Forever: American Indian Boarding School Literature. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2018).

Lampitt, B. C. “The Civil War and Reconstruction in Indian Territory: Historiography and Prospects for New Directions in Research,” Civil War History, 64 (no. 2, 2018), 121-145.

Launay, R. “Maize Avoidance: Colonial French Attitudes Towards Native American Foods in the Pays des Illinois (17th-18th Century),” Food and Foodways: History and Culture of Human Nourishment, 26 (no. 2, 2018), 92-104.

Liebler, C.  “Counting America’s First Peoples,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 677, (2018), 180-190.

Lightfoot, Kent G. and Gonzalez, S. L. “The Study of Sustained Colonialism: An Example from the Kashaya Pomo Homeland in Northern California,” American Antiquity, 83 (no. 3, 2018), 427-443.

Mancall, Peter C. Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018).

Mathes, Valerie Shere. Reservations, Removal, and Reform: The Mission Indian Agents of Southern California, 1878-1903, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018).

Matthews, C. N. and Manfra A. McGovern, “Created Communities: Segregation and the History of Plural Sites on Eastern Long Island, New York,” Historical Archaeology, 52 (no. 1, 2018), 30-50.

Melton, M. A. “Cropping in an Age of Captive Taking: Exploring Evidence for Uncertainty and Food Insecurity in the Seventeenth Century North Carolina Piedmont,” American Antiquity, 83 (no. 2, 2018), 204-223.

Mihesuah, Devon. Ned Christie: The Creation of an Outlaw and Cherokee Hero, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018).

Minthorn, Robin Starr and Heather J. Shotten, Reclaiming Indigenous Research in Higher Education, (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2018).

Monaco, C. S. The Second Seminole War and the Limits of American Aggression, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018).

Murrin, John. Rethinking America: From Empire to Republic, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Nichols. David Andrew. Peoples of the Inland Sea: Native Americans and Newcomers in the Great Lakes Region, 1600-1870, (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2018).

Nolan, R. “The Midnight Rider: The EPA and Tribal Self-Determination,” American Indian Quarterly, 42 (3), 2018), 329-343.

Parham, Vera.  Pan-Tribal Activism in the Pacific Northwest: The Power of Indigenous Protest and the Birth of the  Daybreak Star Cultural Center, (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018).

Parker, Alan. Pathways to Indigenous Nation Soveriegnty: A Chronicle of Federal Policy, (East Lansing, MI: Makwa Enewed, 2018).

Peace, Thomas. “Indigenous Intellectual Traditions and Biography in the Northeast: A Historiographical Reflection,” History Compass, 16 (no. 4, 2018).

Posthumus, David C. All My Relatives: Exploring Lakota Ontology, Belief, and Ritual, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

Powell, Dana E. Landscapes of Power: Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2018).

Pressley, P. M. “The Many Worlds of Titus: Marronage, Freedom and the Entangled Borders of Lowcountry Georgia and Spanish Florida,” Journal of Southern History, 83 (no. 3, 2018) 545-578.

Round, Philip. “Mississippian Contexts for Early American Studies,” Early American Literature, 53 (no. 2, 2018), 445-473.

Rutherdale, Myra and Kerry M. Abel, Roots of Entanglement: Essays in the History of Native-Newcomer Relations, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018).

Stark, H. K and Stark, K. J. “Nenabozho Goes Fishing: A Sovereignty Story,” Daedalus, 147 (no .2, 2018), 17-26.

Stevens, Scott Manning. “Tomahawk: Materiality and Depictions of the Haudenosaunee,” Early American Literature, 53 (no. 2, 2018), 475-511.

Teodoro, M. P., Haider, M., and Switzer, D., “US Environmental Policy Implementation on Tribal Lands: Trust, Neglect, and Justice,” Policy Studies Journal, 46 (no. 1, 2018), 37-59.

Teuton, Sean Kicmmah. Native American Literature: A Very Short Introduction, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Topash-Caldwell, B. “The Birch-Bark Booklets of Simon Pokagon,” Michigan History Magazine, 102 (no.4, 2018), 50-54.

Tusler, M. “Toward a Native Archive: Chicago’s Relocation Photos, Indian Labor and Indigenous Public Text,” American Indian Quarterly, 42 (no. 3, 2018) 375-410.

Watson, Irene.  Indigenous Peoples as Subjects of International Law, (New York: Routledge, 2018).

Wisecup, Kelly. “`Meteors, Ships, Etc’: Native American Histories of Colonialism and Early American Archives,” American Literary History, 30 (no. 1, 2018), 29-54.

What You Need To Read, December 2017

Back with the final “What You Need To Read” in Native American history for the year.  These are all recent additions to my “Must See” list. If I have missed anything that you have found particularly rewarding or valuable, or if you would like one of your works to be included on the list, feel free to drop me a line and I will catch you next time.

Lisa Brooks, Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip’s War, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018).

Peter Cozzens, The Earth is Weeping: The Epic Story of the Indian Wars for the American West, (New York: Knopf, 2017).

Christine M. DeLucia, Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017).

Alejandra Dubcovsky, “When Archaeology and History Meet: Shipwrecks, Indians, and the Contours of the Early-Eighteenth-Century South,” Journal of Southern History, 84 (February 2018).

Katherine Ellinghaus, Blood Will Tell: Native Americans and Assimilation Policy, (Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2018).

John Ryan Fischer, Cattle Colonialism: An Environmental History of the Conquest of California and Hawai’i. (Chapel Hill: Universityof North Carolina Press, 2015).

Hansen, Karen V., et. al., “Immigrants as Settler Colonists: Boundary Work Between Dakota Indians White Immigrant Settlers,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40 (September 2017), 1919-1938.

Joe Jackson, Black Elk: The Life of an American Visionary, (New York: MacMillan, 2017).

Jeffers Lennox, Homelands and Empires: Indigenous Spaces, Imperial Fictions, and Competition for Territory in Northeastern North America, 1690-1763 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017).

John M. Low, Imprints: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and the City of Chicago. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2016.)

Robert Aquinas McNally, The Modoc War: A Story of Genocide at the Dawn of America’s Gilded Age, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018)

C. S. Monaco, The Second Seminole War and the Limits of American Aggression, (Baltimore: Hopkins, 2018).

Randy A. Peppler and Randall S. Ware, “Native American Agriculturalist Movements in Oklahoma,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 41 (No. 1, 2017), 73-86.

Powers, David M. “William Pynchon, the Agawam Indians, and the 1636 Deed for Springfield,” Historical Journal of Massachusettts, 45 (Summer 2017), 115-137.

Timothy Shannon, Indian Captive, Indian King: Peter Williamson in America and Britain, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017)

Sabol, Steven, “In Search of Citizenship: The Society of American Indians and the First World War,” Oregon Historical Quarterly, 118 (Summer 2017), 268-271.

Christina Snyder, “The Rise and Fall of Civilizations: Indian Intellectual Culture During the Removal Era,” Journal of American History, 104 (September 2017), 386-409.

Kevin Whalen, “Indian School, Company Town: Outing Workers from the Sherman Institute at Fontana Farms Company, 1907-1930,” Pacific Historical Review, 86 (May 2017), 290-321.

K. Whitney Mauer, “Indian Country Poverty: Place-Based Poverty on American Indian Territories, 2006-2010,” Rural Sociology, 82 (September 2017), 473-498.

David E Wilkins and Shelley Hulse Wilkins, Dismembered: Native Disenrollment and the Battle for Human Rights, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017).


What You Need To Read, September 2017

The following items have made it on to my bibliography of things I must see. I hope you find this helpful.  If you feel that I missed something that ought to have been included, by all means feel free to let me know and I will update this list.  Next update will appear in December:


Alexie, Sherman. You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir, (New York: Little, Brown, 2017).

Baires, Sarah E. Land of Water, City of the Dead: Religion and Cahokia’s Emergence, (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2017).

Coyle, Michael and John Borrows, The Right Relationship: Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017).

Dowd, Gregory Evans. “Indigenous People Without the Republic,” Journal of American History, 104 (June 2017), 19-41.

Dubcovsky, Alejandra. Informed Power: Communication in the Early American South, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016).

Fenelon, James V. Redskins: Sports Mascots, Indian Nations and White Racism, (New York: Routledge, 2017).

Garrison, Tim Alan and Greg O’Brien, The Native South: New Histories and Enduring Legacies, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017).

Greer, Allan.  Property and Dispossession: Natives, Empires and Land in Early Modern North America, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Grossman, Zoltan. Unlikely Alliances: Native Nations and White Communities Join to Defend Rural Lands, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017).

Jagodinsky, Katrina. Legal Codes and Talking Trees: Indigenous Women’s Sovereignty in the Sonoran and Puget Sound Borderlands, 1854-1946, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017).

Harvey, Sean and Sarah Rivett, “Colonial-Indigenous Language Encounters in North America and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World,” Early American Studies, 15 (Summer 2017), 442-473.

Hillaire, Pauline, Rights Remembered: A Salish Grandmother Speaks on American Indian History and the Future ed. Gregory P. Fields, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016).

Huffman, Terry, Tribal Strengths and Native Education: Voices from the Reservation Classroom, (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2017).

Hunter, Douglas, The Place of Stone: Dighton Rock and the Erasure of America’s Indigenous Past, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017).

Kellett, Lucas C. and Eric E. Jones, Settlement Ecology of the Ancient Americas: (London: Taylor and Francis, 2017).

Kracht, Benjamin R. Kiowa Belief and Ritual, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017).

Kruer, Matthew. “Bloody Minds and Peoples Undone: Emotion, Family, and Political Order in the Susquehannock-Virginia War,” William and Mary Quarterly, 74 (July 2017), 401-436.

Lappas, Thomas. “FOR GOD AND HOME AND NATIVE LAND”: The Haudenosaunee and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 1884-1921,” Journal of Women’s History, 29 (Summer 2017), 62-85.

Lee, Lloyd L. and Jennifer Denetdale, Navajo Sovereignty: Understandings and Visions of the Dine People, (Tuscon: University of Arizona Press, 2017).

Lyons, Scott Richard. The World, The Text, and the Indian: The Global Reach of Native American Literature, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017).

Mancall, Peter. Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017).

Masich, Andrew Edward. Civil War in the Southwest Borderlands, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2017).

Muehlbauer, Matthew. “Holy War and Just War in Early New England, 1630-1655,” Journal of Military History, 81 (July 2017), 667-692.

Senier, Siobahn, “The Continuing Circulations of New England’s Tribal Newspapers,” American Literary History, 29 (Summer 2017), 418-437.

Shannon, Timothy: Indian Captive, Indian King: Peter Williamson in Britain and America, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Forthcoming, 2018).

Sheffield, R. Scott, “Indigenous Exceptionalism under Fire: Assessing Indigenous Soldiers in Combat with the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and American Armies during the Second World War,” Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 45 (June 2017), 506-524.

Steere, Benjamin A. The Archaeology of Houses and Households in the Native Southeast, (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2017).

Tepper, Leslie Heyman. Salish Blankets: Robes of Protection and Transformation, Symbols of Wealth, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017).

Wellman, Candace. Peace Weavers: Uniting the Salish Coast Through Cross-Cultural Marriages, (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 2017).

Williams, Nancy and H. Foster, “An Analysis of Native American/ Colonialist Interaction in the Southeastern United States,” International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 21 (June 2017): 513-531.

Woolford, Andrew. This Benevolent Experiment: Indigenous Boarding Schools, Genocide, and Redress in Canada and the United States (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2015).

What You Need To Read

I will post each quarter a list of items I have placed on my “To Get To” list, scholarship I will consider as I work to keep current in this vast field and begin to contemplate a third edition of Native America.   If there is something I have missed, or a work you would like me to add to the list, please feel free to drop me a line. For the March bibliography, click here.

Abram Kercsmar, Joshua. “Wolves at Heart: How Dog Evolution Shaped Whites’ Perceptions of Indians in North America.” Environmental History 21, no. 3 (July 2016): 516-540.

Anderson, Gary Clayton, “The Native Peoples of the American West: Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing?” Western Historical Quarterly 47, no. 4 (November 2016): 407-433.

Barr, Juliana.  “There’s No Such Thing as ‘Prehistory’: What the Longue Duree of Caddo and Pueblo History Tells Us About Colonial America,” William and Mary Quarterly, 74 (April 2017), 203-240.

Bowes, John P. ““Hang Them All”: George Wright and the Plateau Indian War.” Journal Of Military History 81, no. 2 (April 2017): 569-571.

Brewer II, Joseph Paul, et al. “Renaming the Indians: State-Sponsored Legibility through Permanent Family Surnames among the Sisseton and Wahpeton at Lake Traverse, 1903.” American Indian Culture & Research Journal 40, no. 3 (July 2016): 47-66.

Britten, Thomas A. “Abraham Lincoln as Great Father: A Look at Federal Indian Policy, 1861-1865.” American Indian Culture & Research Journal 40, no. 3 (July 2016): 103-122.

Bunnell, David.  Good Friday on the Rez: A Pine Ridge Odyssey, (New York: St. Martin’s, 2017).

Carder, Susan Fae. “The Development of a Gaming Enterprise for the Navajo Nation.” American Indian Quarterly 40, no. 4 (Fall2016 2016): 295-332.

Carlson, Shawn B., M. James Blackman, and Ronald L. Bishop. “Texas Mission Ceramics: Origins of Manufacture and Distribution during the Eighteenth Century.” Historical Archaeology 50, no. 4 (October 2016): 65-91.

Cevasco, Carla. “This is My Body: Communion and Cannibalism in Colonial New England and New France.” New England Quarterly 89, no. 4 (December 2016): 556-586.

Clatterbuck, Mark. Crow Jesus: Personal Stories of Native Religious Belonging, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2017).

Colwell, Chip  Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 22017).

Conrad, Paul. “Empire through Kinship.” Early American Studies, An Interdisciplinary Journal 14, no. 4 (Fall2016 2016): 626-660.

Fisher, Linford D. “Why shall wee have peace to bee made slaves”: Indian Surrenderers during and after King Philip’s War.” Ethnohistory 64, no. 1 (January 2017): 91-114.

Fisher, Samuel.  “Fit Instruments in a Howling Wilderness: Colonists, Indians, and the Origins of the American Revolution,” William and Mary Quarterly ,73 (October 2016), 647-680.

Foster, H. Thomas. “The identification and significance of Apalachicola for the origins of the creek Indians in the Southeastern United States.” Southeastern Archaeology 36, no. 1 (April 2017): 1-13.

Galler, Robert. “Councils, Petitions and Delegations: Crow Creek Activism and the Progressive Era in Central South Dakota.” Journal Of The Gilded Age & Progressive Era 16, no. 2 (April 2017): 206-227.

Garrod, Andrew and Robert Kilkenny, I am Where I come From: Native American College Students and Graduates Tell Their Life Stories, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2017).

Gelo, Daniel J. “Two Episodes in Texas Indian History Reconsidered: Getting the Facts Right about the Lafuente Attack and the Fort Parker Raid.” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 120, no. 4 (April 2017): 441-460.

 Grann, David.  Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI, (New York: Doubleday, 2017).

 Harrison, Daniel F. “Change Amid Continuity, Innovation within Tradition: Wampum Diplomacy at the Treaty of Greenville, 1795,” Ethnohistory, 64 (April 2017), 191-215.

Herrmann, Rachel B. “No useless Mouth”: Iroquoian Food Diplomacy in the American Revolution.” Diplomatic History 41, no. 1 (January 2017): 20-49.

Hogeland, William. Autumn of the Black Snake: The Creation of the US Army and the Invasion That Opened the West, (New York: FSG, 2017)

Jacobsen, Kristina M.  The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language, and Dine Belonging, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017).

Lambert, Valerie. “The Big Black Box of Indian Country.” American Indian Quarterly 40, no. 4 (Fall2016 2016): 333-363

Lee, Robert. “Accounting for Conquest: The Price of the Louisiana Purchase of Indian Country.” Journal Of American History 103, no. 4 (March 2017): 921-942.

Lenhardt, Corinna. “Free Peltier Now!” The Use of Internet Memes in American Indian Activism.” American Indian Culture & Research Journal 40, no. 3 (July 2016): 67-84.

Lopenzina, Drew.  Through an Indian’s Looking Glass: A Cultural Biography of William Apess, Pequot. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2017).

Mays, Kyle T. “Community Self-Determination: American Indian Education in Chicago, 1952-2006.” History Of Education Quarterly 56, no. 4 (November 2016): 669-673.

Mihesuah, Devon A. “Diabetes in Indian Territory: Revisiting Kelly M. West’s Theory of 1940.” American Indian Culture & Research Journal 40, no. 4 (October 2016): 1-21.

Milne, George Edward. “Bondsmen, Servants, and Slaves: Social Hierarchies in the Heart of Seventeenth-Century North America.” Ethnohistory 64, no. 1 (January 2017): 115-139.

Orr, Raymond. Reservation Politics: Historical Trauma, Economic Development, and Intratribal Conflict. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2017).

Precht, Jay. “Asserting Tribal Sovereignty through Compact Negotiations.” American Indian Quarterly 41, no. 1 (Witter2017 2017): 67-92.

Rifkin, Mark.  Beyond Settler Time: Temporal Sovereignty and Indigenous Self-Determination, (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017).

Rosier, Paul C. “Great Lakes Creoles: A French-Indian Community on the Northern Borderlands, Prairie du Chien, 1750-1860.” History 102, no. 350 (April 2017): 339-340.

Schillaci, Michael A., and Steven A. Lakatos. “Refiguring the Population History of the Tewa Basin.” Kiva 82, no. 4 (December 2016): 364-386.

Sharfstein, Daniel J.  Thunder in the Mountains: Chief Joseph, Oliver Otis Howard, and the Nez Perce War, (New York: Norton, 2017).

Snyder, Christina.  Great Crossings: Indians, Settlers and Slaves in the Age of Jackson, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).

Starna, William A. “After the Handbook: A Perspective on 40 years of Scholarship Since the Publication of the Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15, Northeast.” New York History 98, no. 1 (Winter2017 2017): 112-146.

Steere, Benamin.  The Archaeology of Houses and Households in the Native Southeast, (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2017).

Stern, Jessica Yirush. The Lives of Objects: Native Americans, British Colonists, and Cultures of Labor and Exchange in the Southeast, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017).

Tepper, Leslie Heyman Salish Blankets: Robes of Protection and Transformation, Symbols of Wealth, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017).

Warren, Louis.  God’s Red Son: The Ghost Dance Religion and the Making of Modern America, (New York: Basic Books, 2017).

Waselkov, Gregory A. and Marvin T. Smith. Forging Southeastern Identities: Social Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Folklore of the Mississippian to Early Historic South, (Tuscaloosa: Univesrsity of Alabama Press, 2017).

Whalen, Kevin. “Indian School, Company Town: Outing Workers from Sherman Institute at Fontana Farms Company, 1907–1930.” Pacific Historical Review 86, no. 2 (May 2017): 290-321.

White, Kevin J., Michael Galban, and Eugene R. H. Tesdahl. “La Salle on Seneca Creation, 1678.” American Indian Culture & Research Journal 40, no. 4 (October 2016): 49-69.

Wilkins, David E. Dismembered: Native Disenrollment and the Battle for Human Rights, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017).
